We're a friendly bunch..



Jon is originally from the Northern Goldfields, and has a background in Defence and public health. His long experience in pre-engineered sheds and his love of spinifex, sand and mulga has led to a seamless approach in the logistics applied to our remote construction sites. Amongst other qualifications, Jon has a Diploma of Project Management and an advanced Diploma of Workplace Health and Safety. When not buried in planning truckloads, chasing recalcitrant engineers, or scheduling the next impossible deadline, Jon is also a commercial pilot fulfilling short relief contracts around WA/NT/SA.  Thank goodness for smart phones and reception at 10000 feet. Jon loves Technic Lego

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Heather brings experience from the dark side of Australia, and saw the West Australian light about 18 years ago. Heather looks after accounts, and the fine detail in project administration. Heather goes home satisfied if all is happening according to plan, recalcitrant and tardy suppliers have been brought to heel, and every personnel qualification expiry is up to the minute and current! If you have a ‘very special offer to update phone services for preselected customers’, or you are fundraising for the blind chicken society, Heather is NOT the person to speak to. Heather has a Diploma of Accounting, and loves to cook.

James works part time assisting in all roles, but primarily engaged in quoting, estimating and drawing. He is commonly called on to assist with IT, and is studying Engineering part time at Curtin. If on site, James is a highly competent rigger. James is a young dad who loves his bees whom produce fine honey in the Perth hills.

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Genesis Buildings selects only quality construction contractors and foremen who share our values for attention to detail. All our team members are completely certified and ticketed for every type of project. The majority come from farming backgrounds, and provide an amazing level of ingenuity, foresight and work ethic.


What happens when you call?

Once you have a concept of what is required, we will look at your required workflows, vehicular access, and internal clearances and investigate how building code compliance and site specific logistical constraints may impact design. If all the requirements are met, we then deliver on this.

Like to chat? Our contact details are at the bottom of this page but if that's too slow send us a message right now using the contact page.